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Social Justice Action Project

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“An eating disorder is really just when food takes on so much more meaning than it ever should have.” - Emily Formea

“A condition which you are constantly having stress or you are stressed about what you are eating and stress about what you look like in front of the mirror and it’s totally a mental illness that needed help.” - Jan Pleje

“When your entire self worth is based on how you look and how you eat, that’s an eating disorder." - Marci Warhaft

"Honestly, there is no 100% definition, everybody’s is different like you just said. For myself personally, it was eating things that would just fill you up for that moment or finding a comfort food. And a comfort food could identify as a drink, it could identify as a small little something and it could identify as a big meal, or it could identify as starving yourself until you can no longer stand up because you need to eat". - Steph Velasquez

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